SADS Charity Raffle 2016

We are now launching the SADS Charity Raffle 2016, which we hope will further increase public knowledge of SADS as well as provide support for SADS HK’s future development plans. Donation raised will be used in cardiac health education, supporting SADS medical research to ascertain our service target and direct assistance to SADS patients and their family…

SADS Charity Raffle 2016 is held between 19 September and 9 November 2016. Raffle Draw will take place on 9 November and the results will be announced on 16 November. We sincerely ask you to give your support to SADS Charity Raffle 2016. We would appreciate if you could also spread your kind words for SADS HK to your family and friends and wish you all the best in health! If you have any inquiry, please contact Ms. Li by 2354 3776.

The Raffle Draw of “SADS Charity Raffle 2016” was held on 9 November 2016. Donation will be used to cardiac health education, support SADS medical research, direct assistance to SADS patients and their family etc… 

1st Prize 123520       2nd Prize 019781

3rd Prize 060493      4th Prize 090604 

5th Prize 000139      6th Prize 005255 

7th Prize 002958      8th Prize 019893 

9th Prize 065151      10th Prize 019881 

11th Prize 023161    12th Prize 053911