(Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes - SADS) could cause sudden cardiac death in children and young adults (commonly under age 40), who are in good health and often with no prior discernible symptoms. Many SADS cases come as a complete shock and unexpected tragedy to the victims and their families. A significant percentage of autopsies do not identify any cause of death and are referred to as sudden unexplained deaths, which further aggravates the confusion and grief suffered by the affected individual’s families.
Words of Appreciation
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for the many relatives, friends and colleagues who rallied around my family and provided all sorts of support to us, including their companionship and emotional support, prayers and blessings, offer of professional assistance, linkage to other charitable foundations, participation in the set up of SADS Hong Kong etc. --- this list is endless and words cannot express how thankful I truly am.
Ms. Shirley CHAN, BBS, JP (Founder)
Mr. CHAN Wing Kee, GBM, GBS, OBE, JP
Mr. Justin WONG
Ms. Joey CHAN