SADS HK Foundation’s Official Launching Ceremony

We are pleased to announce that SADS HK Foundation’s Official Launching Ceremony was held on 25 June 2013. Dr. Ko Wing-man, BBS, JP, Secretary for Food and Heath of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was the Guest of Honor for the ceremony, together with the officiators: Mrs. Shirley Chan Chow (Founder), Mr. Chan Wing-kee and Mr. Michael Sze (Directors) and the Advisory Members including Prof. Tsui Lap-chee (The Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Hong Kong), Prof. Joseph sung (The Vice-Chancellor and President of The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Dr. Walter Chen (Specialist in Cardiology, Honorary Associated Professor of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong), Prof. Tse Hung-fat (Professor, Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine William MW Mong Professor in Cardiology), Dr. Mok Ngai-shing (Specialist in Cardiology and Consultant of Princess Margaret Hospital), Dr. Chloe Mak (Consultant Pathologist of Princess Margaret Hospital), Mrs. Ayesha Lau (Partner in Charge, Hong Kong Market, KPMG) and Ms. Patricia Ho (Senior Legal Counsel of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation ). Close to 200 prominent guests from various backgrounds, including health and medical, industrial, commercial and financial sectors, attended the launching ceremony in support of the establishment of SADS HK Foundation (“SADS HK”).

During the event, Mr. Michael Sze led and moderated a medical sharing session by Mrs. Shirley Chan Chow, Dr. Mok Ngai-shing and Dr. Chloe Mak on the topic of Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (“SADS” or “SADS condition”).


SADS HK Founder, Mrs. Shirley Chan Chow, expressed her gratitude for the community’s support for SADS HK and shared: “One year ago, on 26 June 2012, my beloved son, fit and healthy and in the prime of his life at age 31, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away at our family home. It was a complete shock as he was in good health and led an active and healthy lifestyle and exhibited no symptoms of any diseases. Throughout the past year, I am so grateful for the support of SADS Foundation in the United States and the United Kingdom, which provided my family with comprehensive information about heart arrhythmia conditions. My family is also privileged to have received the attention and dedication of a team of medical professionals at The Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong, who are specialists in the field of genetic cardiac diseases. This team of doctors provided so much support to us throughout the process of identifying Brugada Syndrome, a SADS condition, as the cause of my son’s sudden departure and alerting us to additional screening for immediate family members.”


Distinguished guests that attended the launching ceremony include Mr. Anthony Wu (Chairman of Hospital Authority), Mr. Jeffrey Lam and Mr. Felix Chung (members of the Legislative Council), Dr. Leong Che-hung (Chairman of the Council of The University of Hong Kong), Mr. Vincent Cheng (Chairman of the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Ms. Shelley Lee (Former Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs), Mrs. Gwen Kao (Chairman of Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease) and Ms. Connie Lau (Former Chief Executive of Consumer Council) etc.


The mission of the SADS HK is to save the lives and support the families of children and young adults who are genetically predisposed to sudden death due to heart rhythm abnormalities. The initial funding of SADS HK is provided by Mrs. Shirley Chow Chan and The Chan’s Family Foundation. SADS HK will actively promote the awareness and prevention of SADS for the general public and in the medical community, through organizing various events and activities in the future and sponsoring SADS-related medical search in Hong Kong. SADS HK strives to lower the risk of sudden cardiac death and support affected individuals to live and thrive despite of SADS.