"Hong Kong Floral Delight" Competition 2024 winners

The SADS HK Foundation is excited to announce the "Hong Kong Floral Delight" Photography Competition 2024! This event encourages everyone to capture the beautiful floral landscapes of Hong Kong and discover the natural beauty in our bustling city.

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all who participated. This year, we received an enthusiastic response with over 1,000 amazing entries!

To view all the entries, please use the hashtag *#sadshk2025* on Facebook.

We will contact each winner directly through Facebook Message or email with details about their prizes.

Thank you once again for your support!

 "Hong Kong Floral Delight" Photography Competition 2024 winners list :

第一名:LAU Patrick

地點: 美孚

第二名:Leka Huie

地點: 柏架山

第三名:Crystal Chan

地點: 嘉道理農場

第四名:FRankie Ho

地點: 東涌櫻花園

第五名:Wai Keung Poon

地點: 沙田顯徑邨

第六名:Chan Kam Cheong

地點: 鳳園

第七名:Iris Ng

地點: 石門

第八名:Leung Yonex

地點: 維多利亞公園花卉展

第九名:Lo Dada

地點: 維多利亞公園

第十名:Au-yeung Sam

地點: 錦田鄉村俱樂部




Ms. Shirley Chan
Founder of SADS HK Foundation

Mr. Ronan Chan
General Manager – Hong Kong & Taiwan – Cardiac Rhythm Management of Abbott Medical (HK) Limited

Dr. N.S. Mok
Advisor of SADS HK Foundation


得獎者將獲贈由得獎作品匯集而成的2025 年曆咭 (每人10) ,以及以下現金獎










